calendar, calendar shame, how to use a calendar, how to plan, how lawyers can use calendars, legal calendar, how lawyers can use appointment calendars

#112: Calendar Shame

Chances are you're not besties with your calendar.

This is it, my friends. This is the podcast episode that is going to change everything for you.

If you just start paying attention to what I'm going to talk about here today, you will change your relationship with not only your calendar but your life.

Does that sound exciting? I'm excited.

I want you to know that if you experience shame about how much you get done during your week, or don't get done during your week, you are not alone.

I talk to so many lawyers who just feel like they should be doing more like they are wasting their time. Don't let this be you!

The two things I hear most from lawyers about their calendar situation are:

  1. I don't bother using one because too many emergencies pop up, and
  2. I don't use a one because it's faster to just jump into my work.

Wrong and wrong!

Don't let these lies your brain is telling you keep you from living intentionally and creating the time and freedom you deserve.

Today we're talking:

  • Why diving into our relationship with our calendar can help us understand our relationship with our life
  • How our thoughts about our calendar fuel our day, our week, and our goals
  • About Thought Errors. You'll learn what they are and where they pop up daily
  • I'm giving you 3 questions to ask yourself to level up your productivity and happiness

Sounds magical?

It is!

Listen in, then sign up for a free Strategy Session with me where you can learn how to implement what I talk about in this podcast.

Click here to book now.


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